The Clermont Hotel Group Employee Travel Program

Register to receive exclusive hotel employee rates for you and ten of your friends & family at hotels & resorts all over the world. Once approved by the hotel, credentials will be sent within two business days.

Log-in to begin travelling at Hotel Employee Rates.

 travel at hotel employee rates

Select from thousands of branded and independent hotels & resorts from all over the world offering exclusive Hotel Employee Rates discounted 40% or more and/or Friends & Family Rates discounted 20% or greater.

invite friends & family

Once registered, you may add up to 10 Friends & Family to join the Hotel Employee Rate Program and travel on their at exclusive rates. Click on the Add Friends & Family to add their names and email addresses to your account. Otherwise, you may invite your friends to join your account.

Hotel Employee Rates | Friends and Family

travel policies

proper conduct

All Employees of the Program are strictly required to maintain proper decorum when visiting member hotels. Members are to be respectful of the hotel, its employees, and other guests.

leisure travel only

All travel in the Program is to be used for leisure travel only. Business travel is not permitted.

show proper identification

Members of the Program must present valid identification at registration matching the authorized name of the reservation to receive the rate booked.

book on the  website only

All hotel employee rate bookings are to be made on the Hotel Employee Rate website.

frequently asked questions

do i need an authorization form?

No. Authorization forms are not required. Your booking information as well as your hotel where you're employed and its Administrator is sent to the receiving hotel at the time of booking. Please present ID upon check-in. That's all.

can friends & family travel on their own?

Yes. After adding your friends and family to your account, login credentials are sent to their email inbox. They may then travel on their own to our collection of hotels and resorts at both Hotel Employee Rates (when available) or Friends & Family Rates.  Additional authorization forms are not required. Just show ID upon check-in.

how do I cancel or modify my booking?

Go to with your login credentials. Click on  "Reservations" in the navigation tab header. From here, you may request a cancellation or reservation modification. For any assistance, please contact us via email at

how do i book hotel employee rates?

Go to with your login credentials. Select your hotel or destination. Hotels offering availability of Hotel Employee Rates are indicated with the orange "Hotel Employee Rate" banner. Please be advised of the hotel's payment and cancellation terms, varying by hotel. Book early for greater availability of Hotel Employee Rates.